

  • RedR UK (UK)
    Training location: UK, Kenya, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Jordan, Lebanon, Myanmar etc.
    * Many Japan NGOs used its services and recommended.
  • Centre for Safety and Development (Netherlands)
    Training location: Netherlands, Kenya etc.
    * AAR participated in a SRM course held in Kenya for country office representatives and made recommendation.
  • Safer Edge (UK)
    Training location:UK, Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan
  • INSO (UK/Dubai)
    Training location: Afghanistan, Kenya, Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Somalia etc.
    * Several Japan NGOs recommended. Services including information and consulting are available only in the countries where INSO is active.
  • eCentre of UNHCR(Thailand)
    Training Location; Thailand
    * It is supported by Japanese Government and security workshops are co-hosted by JICA. Participation fee and travel costs are covered by UNHCR. Security is only a part of its training courses, and limited seats, normally 4-5, are open for Japan NGOs for each workshop.
    *For more information, please refer to UNHCR Tokyo Office
